Detailed below is an outline of Purvis Marquees policy towards the quality of our equipment and services.
Purvis Marquee Hire Ltd are committed to achieving and maintaining complete customer satisfaction through continuous assessment and improvement of its business processes.
Our company mission is to successfully deliver high quality, cost-effective products and services safely on time, every time.
To fulfil the mission, the policy is to maintain a practical but comprehensive Quality System based on its stated commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
This policy embraces the following fundamental principles:
The satisfaction of customers, both external and internal, shall be the main focus of quality management activities. Systems and controls shall be based on adopting a more effective decision-making process.
Suppliers are essential to the quality process and our team will work closely with them to ensure meet customer’s needs and requirements.
Our team are encouraged to participate in quality improvement through constant improvement of communication systems and quality control checks.
Every team member has the individual responsible for understanding and applying this Quality policy in the performance of their tasks.
Our management team will endeavour to ensure this Quality Policy is fulfilled through active and continuous participation in quality control, training and development.

Purvis Marquee Hire Ltd
4b East Mains, Ingliston Road
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH28 8NB
Freephone - 0800 026 8451
0131 335 3685
(24 Hour - Emergency Contact)
Purvis Marquee Hire Ltd
4b East Mains, Ingliston Road
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH28 8NB
Freephone - 0800 026 8451
0131 335 3685
(24 Hour - Emergency Contact)
Vat Reg: 946 5315 08 Company Reg: SC64072